Fried Oyster Set - Miyajima, Japan Oysters: Today, Russ Parsons writes about oysters , not just raw, but cooked. This strikes a chord with me because I just finished reading The Big Oyster , by Marc Kurlansky. A book that details the history of New York via its relationship with oysters, as well as giving all kinds of interesting information on the biology of oysters and ecology of the areas they live in. Some fun facts I learned from the book: - The word Yankee comes from the British derogatory name for Dutch New Yorkers - "Jan Kees" (John Cheese). Tee hee! - You can train oysters! In order to keep them alive while shipping, oystermen developed methods to train oysters to stay shut when cued. As long as they stay shut, oysters can survive out of water for a long time. -When you eat an oyster raw, it is generally still alive. Its heart is still beating as you swallow it down. That delicious briny liquor that is essential to the experience is the oyster's blood. Bottoms u...