Behold! My lovely breakfast. Day 14 of my detox was the second of two days where I consumed only liquids. Above is my breakfast of cider mixed with water. Also consumed were lots and lots of water and tea, and carrot juice for snacks. For lunch was a green "superfood" drink made of every green thing you can think of-spinach, broccoli, wheat grass, spirulina, etc.-squooshed into a bottle. Dinner was a big bowl of vegetable broth and miso, pictured below. I actually managed to get through the day without ever feeling hungry and I think I maintained a decent enough calorie count and range of different types of foods and nutrients. But in a weird conjunction of events, I also watched an HBO documentary called "Thin," which was about anorexic/bulimic women and I have to admit it made me feel a little weird about this whole thing. I could write a novel about all of the thoughts and issues it brought up during the day for me, but I will start by saying that there's a f...